Houndspeak Litchfield – Tracey Pilsbury
Social group walks
A walk in a group of no more than 3 dogs, carefully selected for temperament, size and age.
At Houndspeak we believe that social walks should be ones where manners are maintained and play is controlled, to ensure that each dog enjoys their walk. This is why we have no more than 3 dogs in one group, which allows interactions to be carefully monitored and general training regarding manners and recall, to be continued.
Walks for multiple dogs from one household can also be accommodated. Please get in touch to discuss your requirements.
Home visits
For some dogs a walk may be unsuitable due to their age or behavioural needs, they may be recovering from illness or injury and need and their physical exercise restricted.
Houndspeak offer a home visit service with the focus being on mental stimulation.Visits to include:
- Toileting and cleaning of any accidents
- Feeding if required
- Mental stimulation e.g. trick training, scent games
- Calming activities before leaving to ensure your dog is settled
Private training
- Individual training and behaviour advice, tailored to your needs.
- Perfect for dogs who do not cope in traditional training class environments, such as nervous or rescue dogs.
- Giving you a better understanding of your dog’s body language to enable effective two-way communication.
- Also suitable for puppies, build a strong bond and start your training journey.
- Includes written guidance for reference.
If you would like to Train with Marka too, check out their Courses and Get a £30 discount on Masterclass I Distance Learning by using Tracey's discount code - houndspeak30 (add to the basket or at the checkout).
You can also use Tracey’s Ultimate Puppy and Foundation course discount coupon - just add houndspeak30 when you add the course to your basket or checkout page.
Tracey Pilsbury is a qualified Marka Scholar