- 01/01/2025
New Year's Day
- 09/01/2025
Marka Community Zoom Workshop Di
09/01/2025 19:30 - 20:30
Di Martin. Combining Management with Training.
- 24/01/2025
Masterclass I (Feb25) Zoom Workshop. Welcome & Shaping
24/01/2025 18:30 - 19:30
Zoom Workshop 1 with Kamal Fernandez
- 26/01/2025
Masterclass I Feb25) Zoom Workshop 2
26/01/2025 19:00 - 20:00
- 02/02/2025
Masterclass 1 (Feb 25) Zoom Workshop 3
02/02/2025 19:00 - 20:00
- 13/02/2025
Masterclass 1 (Feb 25) Zoom Workshop 4
13/02/2025 19:00 - 20:00
- 20/02/2025
Marka Community Zoom workshop - Ask Anything Julia & Di
20/02/2025 19:30 - 20:00
- 22/02/2025
Toy Play 1 Day Workshop
- 26/02/2025
Masterclass I Feb 25. - In-person
26/02/2025 09:00 - 28/02/2025 16:00
Masterclass I (With In-Person) to find out more about the in-person course and associated online learning - visit Marka Training Masterclass I
- 06/03/2025
Crufts 2025 (UK)
06/03/2025 - 09/03/2025
6-9 March 2025, The NEC Birmingham
Established in 1891, Crufts is the greatest dog show in the world. The show takes place over four days and has been held at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC), Birmingham since 1991 and features a wide range of dog competition. It attracts thousands of dogs with their owners and handlers, displaying their dogs' skills and abilities to adoring crowds.
- 28/03/2025
Marka Community Xoom Workshop
28/03/2025 19:00 - 19:30
- 17/04/2025
18/04/2025 - 20/04/2025
- 22/04/2025
Masterclass II - Adolescent Course
23/04/2025 - 25/04/2025
Masterclass II comprises in-person and online learning. It is open to those that have attended a Masterclass I (With In-Person) Course. To find out more about the Masterclass I in-person course and associated online learning - visit Marka Training Masterclass I
- 04/05/2025
May Bank Holiday
- 25/05/2025
Spring Bank Holiday
- 31/07/2025
(Provisional) Start of Online Learning Masterclass I October 25
01/08/2025 - 22/10/2025
Masterclass I (With In-Person) to find out more about the in-person course and associated online learning - visit Marka Training Masterclass I
- 24/08/2025
Summer Bank Holiday
- 29/08/2025
Paws in the Park Bracknell (Provisional Date)
Paws in the Park Bracknell is yearly event supported by Marka Dog Training -
- 21/10/2025
(Provisional) Masterclass I In-Person Oct 25
22/10/2025 - 24/10/2025
Masterclass I (With In-Person) to find out more about the in-person course and associated online learning - visit Marka Training Masterclass I
- 26/12/2025
Boxing Day
- 31/12/2025
New Year's Eve
- 01/01/2026
New Year's Day
- 25/12/2026
Christmas Day
- 26/12/2026
Boxing Day
- 31/12/2026
New Year's Eve
- 01/01/2027
New Year's Day