Affiliate Area

Thank you for visiting the Train With Marka Affiliate Area. You may also want to check our Affiliate FAQs and read more about how our Affiliate program works

It’s easy to become an affiliate and start earning. Just register below (choose the Registration tab) and you will get full access to the Train with Marka Affiliate Area. In your dashboard you will get a link, coupon code (with a £30 discount), banners, etc. Plus information on referred sales etc. If you need further graphics you can pop over to Silver Poodle Graphics Affiliate Templates and click on the template that you would like to edit – then use the ‘Customize’ button. when you have finished just download the image. Please use the coupon/Voucher Poodle100 to get a free lifetime membership of Silver Poodle Graphics. Have a a question? Check out our Affiliate FAQs or use the contact us form.

Read more about the Train With Marka Affiliate program and how it works

We currently have 38 registered Train with Marka Affiliates – register today and start earning fees… we are here to help you.

Train with Marka corgi


If you are not an affiliate, you can join the affiliate program here:

By signing up, you indicate that you have read and agree to the Affiliate Agreement.

Affiliate FAQS

We have created some FAQS to help you with any questions that you may have about the Train With Marka Dog Training Affiliate Program.


You will earn 10% of the price that the Customer pays  – they do not pay anymore by using your link – also see the affiliate coupon/=voucher scheme.

There is a 30-day cookie  – so if the customer does not buy on the first visit you could still earn a commission when they visit our site again.

Please note that if you are a member of the Marka Community affiliate earnings may be higher.

You can read the terms and conditions at Affiliate Terms and Conditions.

Yes, we would love to hear from you.  You can use the Contact Us form.

No, registration/joining is completely free… You earn from the scheme based on referred sales. there is nothing to pay to join the Train With Marka Affiliate scheme. To start the process please visit the Train With Marka Affiliate Area.

Yes, you can post the referral links and coupons anywhere. You will find your coupon in try Affiliate Area… The only thing we do not allow is spamming. Do not buy an email list for example. (Affiliates found adding the link to spam emails will be removed from the scheme).

Yes, absolutely. We have an affiliate program and so do others. Joining more than one affiliate program is a good thing to do. You may find that you like the programs on AWIN for example. You may also like to look at the Scent Dog Training Course Affiliate program and the Marka Dog Training affiliate program for Masterclass I (distance learning).

Yes, all affiliates will be given a unique coupon code that they can provide to potential customers. This will give the potential customer a discount off of the normal retail price.

Yes we have banners that you can use and we can create more – if you have a specific banner that you would us to create  – just let us know (Contact Us). You can find them in the Affiliate Area once you are logged in.

In addition to the banners to be found in the affiliate area, you can create and edit your own banners and coupons. For example you can use a coupon template to add your unique coupon code and then add it to your website, print or send it to your clients, friends and family. To see the templates available please visit Silver Poodle Graphics Affiliate Templates and click on the template that you would like to edit – then use the ‘Custermize’ button. when you have finished download the image.

Facebook Post Banner for Ultimate Puppy Ultimate Puppy By Marka Banner Train with Marka corgi

If you would like a different Coupon Code then please us Contact Us form.

Decide what you would like to use as your voucher name – the word must be a maximum of ten letters long and be unique to you (so a common first name isn’t recommended).

The Coupon Codes are not case-sensitive – a good example would be:


We will add a number to the end that denotes the discount the user will get e.g. £30.

So the Coupon Code will become


Yes, we welcome affiliates from anywhere in the world.

When someone visits the Train With Marka website using one of your affiliate links a cookie is added to their web browser.  This means that if the potential customer visits again within  30 days your referral will be counted even if they do not use your link again.

This does not always work (with conditions outside our control) as the user may visit with another device or web browser – for example, they might first visit with a phone and then with a tablet, or they may change from a Safari web browser to Chrome.

It is therefore a good idea to encourage users to use your coupon code. This makes sure that the sale is attributed to you.

Yes, you can join the Marka Training Affiliate program too.

Whilst not a Marka website you may like to look at a similar affiliate opportunity with Scent Dog Training – a company that has an association with Marka.